Regnum Online


Ignis was founded by the Dark Elves, whom found themselves in need of a home after they left Syrtis.  Moloks, Dark Elves, and Esquilos (form of humans) live here.  Moloks are the backbone of the Ignean army, they are the power, they make formidable Warriors.  And while being backed by their Dark Elf brethren, they are almost unbeatable.  The Dark Elves are masters of magic, it only makes sense that they would be the best Mages in the world of Regnum.  Ignis is mostly a desert, ranging from the mountains to the coasts.  Despite this, Ignis is still a very nice Realm.  It's architecture is beautiful and the desert, at times is very peaceful and relaxing. 
This was the first places that my friends and I started to have fun in.  We were all siblings in Ignis.  I can say I will never forget the pure fun we had here.  With all the ancient ruins and desert, we had plenty of room to run around in.  Lyon Ariar was the name I had chosen for this Ignean character.

Lyon Ariar's Story:

Lyon was a different boy than his older brother, Coruth Ariar.  Cor, as they called him, was a more intelligent, laid-back kind of guy.  Lyon was not like that at all.  Lyon was a guy of action, he wanted to see things get done, and get done fast.  It was for this reason that Lyon chose to follow the Molok way of life.  Moloks were the oldest race in Ignis, and the most proud.  Most Moloks chose the way of the warrior, and melee fighting was their specialty.  Esquilos came with the Dark Elves, both were not as adequate with a blade as the Moloks were.  However, Lyon was an Esquilo.  He had come with his brother and his sister, Amelia.  At a certain age, children chould chose their paths.  Each of the three siblings went a different way.  Cor studied the magic of the world under Mages.  Amelia went with an Archer trainer, to become a Hunter to provide for her family.  And Lyon chose to become a Warrior.  Esquilos could teach all three of the children, but Lyon even at such an early age, knew that he would want more.  And the Moloks offered that which he seeked.  With that in mind, he decided to follow them, leaving his family behind.

The Moloks were not the most inviting of races.  Lyon was ridiculed and picked on for the pigment of his skin.  But Lyon beared it, for he knew one day he would be the best at what he did.  Eventually, Lyon had found a Master that would teach him all he needed to know.  That was Eos for you, he was the only one with a heart kind enough to take in a small Esquilo boy.  Through the years, Lyon grew bigger, hit harder, and learned of the Molok past.  The Moloks were on the edge of extinction.  However, one brave leader stood up against the Igneos.  He was an intelligent guy, who could outwit the enemy, and send them back into the sand dunes.  Lyon was going to be like him.  Therefore, Lyon also studied the strategy of the time period.  But this seemingly perfect life could not last forever.  At age 21, Lyon was forced to enter the Mesi-Talak competition.  It was a tradition, Lyon could not back down from it.  A Warrior had to fight his way through half a dozen enemies, and at the end, must face his Master in a death-match.  This fighting picked out the weak of society and sent the losers back to studying, or death.  Lyon had beaten all of his rivals within minutes, but when he saw his Master, the one who taught him, and the one who fed him, and the one who clothed him, he found he could not kill Eos.  This was expected, it was a test to decide if an apprentice could be a killer.  Eventually, Lyon disarmed Eos, but he hesitated at the fatal blow.  The deciding factor was when Eos had whispered that cold, eerie phrase, "Do it or we both die."  So Lyon struck him, without a second thought.  And with his victory, Lyon became both well-known and accepted into Molok society, as the only Esquilo to ever successfully become a Molok Warrior.
After a few years of living with the Moloks, Lyon decided that he must return to find his family.  The tribe he had stayed with gave him many parting gifts, such as weapons and jewelry.  Lyon was full grown by now, with a traditional Molok hairstyle and even the marks of a True Master tatooed on his face.  He knew that his brother and sister would be surprised, if they even knew he was alive.  After all, he hadn't talked to either of them for at least a century.  Even so, Lyon dreamed of his triumphant return to the capitol, Altaruk.  He would have servants and guards and his family back.  It was both great and terrible.  The Esquilo in him was fond of family and love.  But the Molok in him, the side that ruled most of his life, only wanted to fight and to kill.  Lyon was truly torn inside.
On an old mountain pass, Lyon was still thinking about his family.  What had they done with their lives?  Will they hate him for leaving?  Would they even accept him anymore?  In the midst of his troublesome thoughts, Lyon was ambushed by half a dozen Igneos.  He fought them valiantly, but lost his supplies and most of his weapons.  He was left with his life, a hammer, and a few new scars all over his body.  With no food, Lyon knew he wouldn't last long.  He travelled perhaps another mile before collapsing of exhaustion.
What happened next, Lyon didn't understand.  It was as though the gods sent him a personalized message, designed to get him up and moving.  The message was a dream.  No, not a dream, a vision.  A vision of the future.  It was a vision where Lyon stood upon his final foe, victorious, with his weapon high in the sky, covered in blood.  Both his brother and sister was there as well.  Both heroic, and both beside him.
Amelia had unleashed her arrows into at least a dozen enemies, as far as Lyon could tell.  Her bow, almost broken at the power of her shots, made a creaking noise with every tug of Amelia's thin arms.  Her arrows seemed to float through the air, as graceful as she herself was.  Her quiver, which had been overflowing at the start of the battle, now was almost empty.  But that didn't matter to Amelia, she knew how to fight, with both a bow and her hands.  A gentle breeze pushed her white hair into her pierching blue eyes.  Those eyes pierced the soul, almost as her arrows pierced the body.  The very way she stood made her enemies tremble.  It was graceful, yet stubborn, beautiful, yet defiant, it was her.  She was full grown as Lyon was now.  She was a beautiful woman, whose body had shown it.  Lyon had wondered why she did not have a ring on her finger.  She could've had a simple life, an easy one too.  But she had chosen a life of blood and fighting beside her brothers.  Apparently, she loved her brothers more than any other man the world had to offer.  Lyon was sort of relieved at that thought, he didn't want to see his sister in the arms of a strange man, he'd rather have her next to him and Cor, fighting it out to the end.  With them, Lyon knew she would be safe, and together the three of them would be unbeatable.
Coruth was different, a magician by birth.  But at the end of this battle, he stood beside Lyon, arm outstretched over the battlefield, hand glowing a white glow, brighter than the stars.  His staff donned a blue light as the wind blew across its precious gem.  Cor's eyes also glew that powerful blue as he whispered his spells.  His tunic was battered, but still looked like a piece of art.  A light blue aura covered Cor's entire body.  The sight would frighten any enemy.  This was the vision Lyon saw, and somehow, he knew it would become true someday.
With that, Lyon awoke in the harsh sun.  He struggled but eventually made his way into an Esquilo settlement.  An older tribesman recognized him and provided for him immediately.  When Lyon told them of his destination, they were eager to help.  They arranged a caravan and sent him on his way later that day.  He slept the entire journey.  When he had awaken, he had reached the capitol.  A runner had come beforehand and told the city of Lyon's arrival.  The city was awake with cheers and exclamations of joy.  It was just like Lyon had imagined.  His brother and sister walked out to greet him.  He embraced them both and the moment brought tears to his eyes.   He was finally home.